Drunk With Buds
A show about trying new beers with some friends and having discussions you would normally have at a bar. We rate beers, alcohol, or wine with a guest while discussing a wide array of topics. We talk about whatever our guests are passionate about. Sometimes we venture to breweries and hear stories from the brewers themselves about their brews. It's not all about the beer, plenty of stuff for everyone. Join us for stories, laughs, and a damn good buzz.
Drunk With Buds
Heavy on the Heart returns!!!!!
Nikki and Costas are back!! Half of the fab band out of NY, Heavy on the Heart!! They are bringing their rock music and stories from the road!!
Pub Talk: Catching up with Heavy on the Heart
Beer during Pub Talk: San Carlos Especial by Riverlands Brewing
Top Shelf: Put together a night on the town!! Bring 4 people, alive or dead out on the town. Who are you bringing, when from are you taking them and what are you doing and where!
Beer during Top Shelf: Kwen by Urban Artifact
Dive Bar Reviews: Honer takes us to a little dive in Queens, NY!
Beer during Dive Bar Reviews: Take 10 by Perennial Artisan Ales
Theme Song by Lost Like Lions
Shouts out to our sponsors:
Hop Station Craft Beer Bar!
Niles Brewing Company
Guest Links and Social Media:
Instagram: @HeavyontheHeart.music
Website: HeavyontheHeart.com
Spotify: Heavy on the Heart
YouTube: Heavy on the Heart
Apple Music: Heavy on the Heart
Remember to drink responsibly and if you need help, please reach out to someone if drinking is a problem.
Don't forget to rate us 5 stars wherever you listen, it helps us a bunch!
Drunk with Buds Merch!!! Click Here! Teespring.com/drunkwithbuds
Stay sexy.
Support the show <--------- click here
Click this link to buy a Beer every month for $5.00. We will give you a shout out each month on the show for helping to support the podcast
Get Beer, Cocktails, and fab food while enjoying darts, vintage games. Hop Station is hopping!
Coastalos Sodas
Urban Artifact launched our own hemp derived THC brand Coastalo. Made with real fruit!!
Niles Brewing
Unique Beers and Cocktails! They host events and trivia weekly. Located in downtown Niles, Michigan!
Use our promo code 'DrunksWithBuds' for $10 off your second order.
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